Fresno has some of the best Automotive Artist !

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Fresno has some of the best Automotive Artist !

Post by oldschool » Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:42 pm

You know, I miss Fresno so much. I grew up on a farm and learned so many things. I remember growing up and my parents took me to Autorama at the Fresno Fairgrounds. I was in awe at the cars and motorcycles. In the 70's when I had a drivers license I went a few more times before I moved near Reno, Nevada. Being 18 years old and not employed I got interested in Pinstriping. Back then no one did it, and no one would want to show you anyway. Right before I moved I saw in person and heard of work by auto artist like Bob Kovacs, Neil Averill, and Dale Oftedal also known as Soggy. Soggy if you remembered painted all kinds of store fronts like Sound Stage, Dwight Forge, the Penny Candy Store, and Kaliedescope. I believe Sound Stage was at Home and Blackstone. Its now a body shop.

This body shop still has murals on the wall I believe, Janis Joplin and the Doors. I finally came back to Fresno in 1975 and met Neil Averill. He was so helpful and got me on the right track with my art. To this day when I see any car or bike I got to see who painted it and pinstriped it. All of you in Fresno are so lucky to have so much talent when you want a nice looking auto, truck, bike, etc. There are more artist I am sure. I can recognize a Fresno Stripe job a mile away. The best auto painters, pinstripers, and car customizers are from fresno. Can you think of any more names of stories?



Re: Fresno has some of the best Automotive Artist !

Post by TimBarrett59 » Tue Jan 03, 2012 2:31 pm

I knew Soggy, Great guy, He used to come skate at the old Iceland in Pinedale. I'll never forget him coming in one day after he's cut his hair and beard off. Blew us all away. He designed the logo for the old Ice Skating Club of Fresno as well as repainted and updated "lulu" the 8 foot tall girl skater on our sign on top of the building. I still have that skater hanging in my office. Soggy moved over to Icelandia when we all did in 76. He pinstriped the Zamboni as well as used to pinstripe hockey helmets. One of the nicest and most talented artist/person I ever met.

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Re: Fresno has some of the best Automotive Artist !

Post by senpaidonna » Fri Feb 14, 2014 11:25 pm

I remember all of these guys. My father-in-law, Craig Judd, is an automotive artist. He worked on a few projects with Bob Kovacs. My husband and I drove from Chowchilla to Fresno to deliver it. Bob was great. His dog, One Shot was very friendly. I remember Bob saying, "One Shot, get your nose out of the lady's ass." Great guy.


Re: Fresno has some of the best Automotive Artist !

Post by Winslow63 » Sat Oct 26, 2024 11:28 pm

I was discharged from the Marine Corps in 1984 and went looking for a job, (grew up in bodyshops from Madera), started in west Ftesno hit every bodyshop in Fresno ended up on Barstow Ave in Clovis at Mikes auto painting. Where I was introduced to Earl, (aka Indian). I can't remember his last name. By far the best custom graphic painter at the time. Used a Binks 18, mostly and air brush. Old school lacquer cleared. He hat cars and bikes in almost every auto magazine. Bob Kovacs pinstriped alot of his custom paint jobs. Mikes Auto Painting would imron clear them and cut and polish them. If you know who I am referring to I would like to get his last name. I met Richard Avery as well. Awesome guy. There was a woman that did some airbrush work and pinstriping as well. I want to say her first name was Connie? Any you are right about the custom paint jobs in Fresno and Clovis in the 70s and 80s, nice article.

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