Cedar Lanes Bowling Alley

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Cedar Lanes Bowling Alley

Post by junglemama » Fri Feb 19, 2010 10:21 pm

Oh come on, how many of you went to Cedar Lanes for bowling or your prom night dinner? Any memories there?
cedar lanes.jpg
cedar lanes.jpg (55.02 KiB) Viewed 19149 times


Re: Cedar Lanes Bowling Alley

Post by FresnoNut » Thu Mar 04, 2010 6:36 am

We went to Cedar Lanes for our Graduation night party in 1970.

Go Highlanders!


Re: Cedar Lanes Bowling Alley

Post by Guest » Sat Mar 27, 2010 8:36 am

I remember our graduation party in 1967 was held there. They checked you for booze so a friend and I planted a bottle in a bowling locker several days before. Then, on the big night, we snuck into the locker and drank our booze. I remember that the breakfast served powdered eggs. They were awful! I ended up working there as a chef for several years in the 70's!
cedar lanes.jpeg
Click to Enlarge

Christopher Stone
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Re: Cedar Lanes Bowling Alley

Post by Christopher Stone » Mon Apr 19, 2010 1:37 pm

During the 1960s, my mother went there to Bowl and I went to play the pinball machines. Good times.

Big J
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Re: Cedar Lanes Bowling Alley

Post by Big J » Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:40 am

The current state of Cedar Lanes' shopping center depresses me. Fallas is a great store, but the lot is riddled with potholes, the buildings are in disrepair and the owners of the property don't seem to care. It's been years since anyone gave that corner some TLC.

Anyone know what became of the yellow balls atop the sign? They've been gone for awhile now. (see photo)

Lost Fresno
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Re: Cedar Lanes Bowling Alley

Post by Lost Fresno » Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:58 am

I returned to Cedar Lanes for the first time and many years and was saddened not only by the general run down appearance, but also because they filled in the Koi Pond! How could they destroy the best feature of the entire place? I guess the maintenance must have been an issue as it must of been a pain (and expensive) to keep up.

I posted a couple of pictures from our trip when we made the pilgrimage to Cedar Lanes. The brick planters are new(er), the only original part are the metal arching bridges that we oh so fun to hang out on and check-out the Koi fish!

Big J
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Re: Cedar Lanes Bowling Alley

Post by Big J » Thu Aug 19, 2010 8:15 am

Yeah, unfortunately the koi pond's been gone for over a decade now. The inside of the bowling alley and restaurant are the same as ever. Noone's kept up the outside though. Sad.

Mike Logan

Re: Cedar Lanes Bowling Alley

Post by Mike Logan » Wed Nov 03, 2010 4:42 pm

My dad used to run Cedar Lanes for Spalding Wathen. Opened in 1959 i think. They never closed. They didn't even have locks on the doors back then, they were open 24-7-365. remember the giant gold fish in the front pond? a cup of coffee was 10 cents. Al Pardini ran the catering dept., Bop McMillian ran the bowling lanes.

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Re: Cedar Lanes Bowling Alley

Post by lendawg1182 » Wed Nov 09, 2011 7:24 am

We had our graduation party there too in 1968.

Lost Fresno
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Re: Cedar Lanes Bowling Alley

Post by Lost Fresno » Wed Nov 09, 2011 9:05 am

Hello to Mike Logan. I remember your Dad, was his name Fred? I was a busboy in the coffee shop and there were the Logan brothers, both connected with Cedar Lanes. I knew Fred better but also remember Jim.

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