Recollections for Book About Fresno 1945-85

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Recollections for Book About Fresno 1945-85

Post by Drakonyx » Sat Sep 28, 2013 10:24 pm

Greetings, everyone. I'm a longtime journalist writing a book on Fresno that will focus on the period roughly from 1945-85. I'm looking for personal stories from the period that will resonate with readers, and I'm inviting anyone who's interested to e-mail me with your thoughts. I can't guarantee I'll use your work, but here's the kind of material I'll consider: personal anecdotes that say something about the larger culture of Fresno during the period. Did you have an interesting encounter with a well-known Fresnan? Do you have a funny tale to tale from a concert you attended, from cruising Belmont (or Blackstone or Fulton), from hanging out by the figs or some popular spot in town? I'm looking to include vivid stories with lots of detail and description that make Fresno personal to the readers - more than just a dry piece of history.

If you are interested, please contact me at with your ideas, stories and/or quotes. Put "Fresno book" in the subject line. You'll have to be willing to share your real name and a maybe a little about yourself to offer some context ("I was a senior at Fresno High when ..."). And, of course, the stories must be factual. If you don't have a good story but know of someone who does, please feel free to refer them. The book will emphasize Fresno life and culture, as opposed to politics, though there will be a smattering of the latter. I've seen some great stories here, and I hope some will see fit to share them with my readers. Thanks!

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