Goodnight Bee Cartoon when KMJ TV Signed Off

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Re: Goodnight Bee Cartoon when KMJ Signed Off

by EdWebbo » Fri Jan 31, 2014 9:39 am

And another station used "High Flight" to either begin or end the broadcast day. You can find this brief black and white film on Youtube. I remember a Mennonite pal who loved flying and could also appreciate a F-104 Starfighter doing acrobatics way up there. We both loved this film.

Re: Goodnight Bee Cartoon when KMJ Signed Off

by Tiki » Thu Jan 30, 2014 3:42 pm

I am so glad you posted this! I was chatting with some friends just last night about this Bee and how he would sign off the station each night. No one would believe me because they never had anything like it in the towns they grew up in. I am sure it will be a fun surprize for them when I show them your post! What great memories. I too remember begging to stay up late to see the Bee.

Re: Goodnight Bee Cartoon when KMJ Signed Off

by Cookyanimal » Sat Jun 09, 2012 1:32 am

OMG! I didn't live in Fresno (lived in Merced), but when I was a kid, I refused to go to bed until the bee went to bed. Always was and always will be a night owl, I suppose. Thank you for finding this wonderful memory for me.

Re: Goodnight Bee Cartoon when KMJ Signed Off

by allysha » Tue Aug 23, 2011 3:48 am

What is the name of the cartoon/anime that features cartoon cats wearing guns on their paws? I watched it, maybe 10-15 years ago in Taiwan. It was a cartoon with cats that had machine guns instead of paws. Does anybody know what series I am talking about?

Re: Goodnight Bee Cartoon when KMJ Signed Off

by frodoboy » Tue Feb 02, 2010 10:27 am

I liked the test pattern after the Bee signed off. It had an old Indian chief on the top center. Kind of haunting! I think in the morning the Bee did come back on. He woke up from bed and said "good morning" or something like that?
Click to Enlarge
pattern.jpg (104.78 KiB) Viewed 18469 times

Re: Goodnight Bee Cartoon when KMJ Signed Off

by pixiecat » Sun Jan 17, 2010 4:33 pm

What a great find! I love that bee. Wasn't there another one for the station sign-on each morning?

Goodnight Bee Cartoon when KMJ TV Signed Off

by Lost Fresno » Mon Jan 04, 2010 10:14 am

I knew I had stayed up too late when this thing came on. I would have never believed that someday TV stations would stay on for 24 hours. Oh how wrong I was. Below appears text and a video from youtube. Back in the day when KMJ TV 24 (now KSEE) was owned by McClatchy Corp. this film clip was their nightly sign-off. The Bee character (still used by the McClatchy-owned Fresno Bee newspaper to this day) was created by Walt Disney studios. When we were kids we used to try and stay up late on weekends to watch this clip.
